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Christine England

by chris clarke
(England UK)

Hi, I have been an Elvis fan since 1960 and will stand by and defend Elvis until the day I join him in heaven.(I hope). Seriously though, when Elvis died there were huge crowds outside Graceland, a man was interviewed with curly hair talking about Elvis, I believe it to be Bill Clinton and others do too but someone on You Tube states because Bill Clinton had graduated etc etc., it was not him and is getting quite obnoxious about the fact. I said I would check it out but then I have been accused of insulting this same person. Do you know was it Bill Clinton talking about all the different kinds of fans Elvis had?
Thanks a million,
Hope to hear from you soon.

Comments for
Christine England

May 19, 2010
by: Jeffrey Schrembs

No Bill Clinton was not at Graceland nor are there any signatures, in the large books standing in front, that have the name "William or Bill Clinton".
Bill Clinton says he is a fan and that is fine.
Anyone who was at the Funeral would never forget it.
I was at the House for 2 or the 3 days Elvis "lay in wait" and the atmosphere was...overwhelming.
When it was time to bring Elvis' body we were the first row after the Pallbearers and besides the fact that Elvis was in that casket, having took his last breath, and people crying it was very sad and very hot thatday. The saddest moment for me was seeing Priscilla holding Lisa's hand and that outfit she was wearing with tears down her face and Priscilla trying to be calm and conforting to Lisa Marie.
Elvis' family members were DEVESTATED. The Memphis Mafia, and their wives, were devestated as well.
Then you have Colonel Parker, at Graceland mostly, trying to pitch Vernon Presley to sign his name to Colonel Parker giving Parker the rights to market Elvis Presley. Vernon was so shaken it tooked like he was weighted down by hundreds of pounds of weights on his shoulders and his eyes were...glazed swollen red and distant.
If you have a copy of this "clip" please provide the link and I can tell you for sure but I am 90% sure he wasn't there not beause I was there for almost a week but Bill Clinton was NOT one to hold back things and being the Elvis Fan he was he would have disclosed him going to Elvis' Funeral previously.
Take care and God bless.
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